Zoom 2
Zoom - Release 2 (1996)(Active Software)[!].iso
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330 lines
\ /
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) ####### #### (
/ /\ ### ### ## /\ \
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\___/\ / \ / \ ### ### ## \ / \ /\ ___/
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) ### ### DEMO VERSION (
/ \
/ By Bruce Webster \
/ \
Hopefully this game isn't too hard to work out, but for those who like
to know exactly what's going on, read on...
Note: This file only lists features available in the DEMO version of R3.
The full version has MORE things that kill you, but perhaps you
are not ready for high-speed multi-rocket launchers...
F1 : Start a one-player MISSION game
F2 : Start a two-player MISSION game (These are co-operative levels)
F3 : Start a two-player DOGFIGHT game
+,- : Change the DOGFIGHT starting level.
Because dogfight's do not last very many levels, and do not have
passwords, you may choose which dogfight level to start on.
Of course, in the DEMO version there are only TWO levels!
F5 : Enter a new password
After each level in a MISSION game, you will be given a password.
Pressing F5 and typing the password will get you back to
the place where you were given the password.
This is like saving the game.
F6 : Start a game, using the current password.
The two SHIFT keys change the controls for either player
- the control can be keys, or either joystick.
DURING the game
Your ship controls (chosen on the title page) are shown on your
console. UP is thrust, LEFT/RIGHT rotates your ship, FIRE fires and
DOWN fires a homing missile.
The P key pauses play.
The Escape key self-destructs both ships and allows you to try a level
again. This might come in handy if you manage to get you self into an
impossible situation.
If you press escape from the ship menu, the game will exit back to the
title page.
There are five classes of ship, each with three models.
The higher the model and class of ship, the more it costs.
Some may consider a class three ship more economical than a Class 5
"Schmu" with 20 missiles and 60-high-speed-bullets-per-second firepower.
Others, who don't like to splash out may prefer to putter around in a
Class 1 "Insipid".
At the end of each level you may trade-in your current ship for a better
one. If you are trading in, a CANCEL option is available - just move
down off the bottom of the menu.
Movement around the menu is done with the controls selected on the
titlepage (these are shown on your console at all times). Press Escape
if you want to go back and change the controls.
During "Loading", your ship is completely repaired, your shield is
re-energized, your missile banks are re-loaded, and you are teleported
to the new level.
Each level has its own gravitational, air and water resistance
You begin each level on your base.
BASES: Your base will refuel your ship at any time, and repair damage.
------ It is also the drop-off point for any cargo collected on
mission levels.
You are allowed to return to the OTHER players base. This
will probably annoy the other player significantly.
Your base will NOT recharge your shield.
FUEL: You are loaded up with fuel by your base at the beginning of
----- each level. DO NOT take off immediately, or you will have no
fuel! Your fuel indicator is a yellow line on the side of your
console. Different ships have different fuel efficiencies.
If you need more fuel, you can pick up fuel capsules
(marked 'F') or land on a "FUEL" platform.
Note: Fuel does have mass. Your ship does fly faster on
a nearly-empty tank.
SHIELD: Getting hit, or crashing into a wall does not mean instant
------- death. Your ship has a protective shield, and can sustain
considerable damage before exploding in a ball of flame.
Your shield indicator is a green line on the side of your console.
Whenever you are hit, or crash into a wall, your shield drops.
If your shield reaches zero, any further impacts could mean
that your ship will explode. However, it is likely that some
non-vital components will be fail first.
Some levels contain repair stations (marked with a large '+')
which repair all damage and fully recharge your shield.
Shields can also be partially recharged by collecting an energy
disc (a small oval with a '+' on it).
DAMAGE: Once you shield is exhausted, any bump or scrape will cause
------- systems damage. This means that parts of your ship are likely
to begin failing as you use them.
Common problems are:
Launch Failure: While the missile launching mechanism is
damaged, no missiles can be fired.
Power Failure: The main gun on your ship will become slow
and erratic.
Stabiliser Damage: Rotation will become erratic.
Turbine Overheat: Your engine will lose power.
Burst fuel valve: Reduces engine power and greatly reduces
fuel efficiency
Fuel blockage: Thrust becomes erratic.
Damage can be repaired your base or a repair station
(marked with a large '+').
MONEY: You are paid for every enemy you kill and every box you collect.
------ There are also coins on some levels. A coin is a small circle
with a dot in the middle. Each one is worth 400 credits.
The amount of "CASH" you have is constantly displayed on your
console. Cash is useful for buying new ships.
MISSILES: Homing missiles are limited and must reload between firing.
--------- At the top of your console is a line of spare missiles, the
missile-ready indicator and view of your missile launch-tube.
Missiles home-in on all enemy targets. It is useful to know
that missiles can be shot-down, because some enemy missiles
will inevitably be heading in your direction.
DOORS: There are several kinds of doors:
Automatic doors:
These open by themselves.
It is important to look at the symbol on the door-frame.
An arrow indicates that a door will only let you travel
through in one direction.
A player symbol means that only one player is allowed
Push-button doors:
These hinged doors will only open (or close) when you
shoot a nearby button.
Locked doors:
Doors with keyholes require a key before they will open.
A key will be shown on your console if there are any
keys on the level. This icon will light up when you
land on a key, and locked doors will then open for you.
BULLET GATE: These fat little bars open up if you shoot nearby buttons.
LIFTS: Hop on. Lifts help transport you up and down treacherous
------ passageways.
FANS: These blow your ship off course. Lighter ships will be
----- effected to a much greater extent than heavy ships.
OBJECTS: These circular objects attract you ship.
-------- All ships are attracted equally (the effect of mass cancels
out), but ships with small engines will have difficulty
getting away from the pull of these objects.
ARROWS: Arrows are there to help. Each time you see a new arrow,
------- following it will probably be the fastest way to solve the
BLOCKS: Small white blocks can be cleared away by shooting them.
Pillars can be slowly removed by bullets, but homing missiles
knock LARGE holes in them.
DEFLECTORS: All ammunition bounces off deflectors. Be VERY careful when
----------- flying near a deflector panel.
TELEPORTERS: A bright teleporter (marked 'T') will teleport anything
------------ (ammo or players) to a dark-coloured tele-receiver.
Some teleporters will send you to a different receiver each
time you go through it.
Some tele-receivers are the destination point of several
WATER: Buoyant wobbly stuff.
SHOOTY THINGS: You may find some enemies who want to kill you on some
-------------- levels. Shoot back, and try not to stay in the line of
fire. If you keep moving, aiming enemies will have
difficulty hitting you.
Some hints:
DOME gun: Likes to stay closed and protected
don't fire at it when it's closed, or
it will never open.
Dish gun: Dangerous. Some even have protective
walls around them - making then
invulnerable unless you can get
around behind it.
Clamper: These cannot be shot, and do not do
much damage. They are just a hassle.
Radio gun: Shoots a ring of bullets. To kill
this, you must find the power-source.
Your objective is to collect cargo and return it to your base.
What to collect is shown in the "OBJECTIVE" window on the console.
When you land on a box, the picture of it lights up to show that you are
now carrying it, and your cargo gauge will show how full your cargo hold
is. To finish a level, all boxes must be carried back to your base.
Your ship is much heavier with a full cargo hold. More fuel is needed
to return to base than was needed to get to the cargo.
Two player MISSION levels are meant to be co-operative. The other
player is NOT an enemy. Each ship is fitted with a deflector to repel
the other-player's fire. This is not meant to be a challenge to find
other ways of killing the other player. You will need his/her help in
some places.
On dogfight, the sole objective is to kill the other player.
There are few puzzles, but lots of opportunities to blow your friend
into little pieces.
Your shield is not perfect. Occasionally, instead of bouncing you off
an object, you will get stuck inside it!
To get out of a wall, the best strategy is to point INTO the wall, and
thrust. You should slowly back-out of the wall. Failing that, just try
not to hit the walls in the first place! ;-)
The registration fee is NZ$20 or 10 pounds sterling (or equivalent).
To register, send your (real) name and address and the registration fee
TO: Ellen Johnstone (pounds preferred)
11 Abbey Rd
Bruce Webster (NZ$ preferred)
29 Tika St
New Zealand 8004
EMAIL: b.webster@student.canterbury.ac.nz
For more details, see the README file.